Games are fast becoming the major entertainment product for many people. This is attested by the continuous growth in the game industry. While games readily benefit from and sometimes drive the developments in computer graphics, an equally important aspect of games, which is game audio does not benefit from developments in audio processing area in a direct way. Most of the technologies being developed by the members of signal processing community can be applied directly or indirectly to games. This summer school targets postgraduate students from game technology and audio signal processing areas, as well as practitioners in the game development domain. The summer school aims to present a wide view of game audio including artificial reverberation, sound synthesis, spatial audio, speech synthesis, audio coding, interactive audio APIs, and parallel processing all with a game technology perspective. The event will cover a wide range of topics relevant to audio processing for computer games with lectures given by high-profile lecturers. The following topics are proposed for the lectures in the summer school:
- Spatial hearing
- Room acoustics
- Artificial reverberation
- 3D audio systems
- Audio coding
- Game audio programming
- GPU programming
- Sound synthesis
- Expressive speech synthesis
Participants will be awarded with a certificate upon successful attendance and completion of the summer school.
METU is the top research university in Turkey and also one of the top 100 universities by reputation as reported in Times Higher Education 2012 University Rankings.
IEEE Seasonal Summer Schools in Signal Processing (S3P) is a highly prestigious educational programme sponsored by the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS). More information about the programme can be obtained from here.
The summer school intends to provide funding for travel and accommodation for students and researchers from Turkish universities via TÜBİTAK 2217 programme. Yaz okulu Türkiye'deki üniversitelerden başvuran öğrenciler ve araştırmacılar için TÜBİTAK 2217 programı aracılığı ile seyahat ve konaklama desteği sağlamayı planlamaktadır.
Key Organizers- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Veysi Isler, Informatics Institute, METU, Ankara
- Assist. Prof. Dr. Huseyin Hacihabiboglu, Informatics Institute, METU, Ankara
- Assist. Prof. Dr. Banu Gunel, Informatics Institute, METU, Ankara
- Assist. Prof. Dr. Alptekin Temizel, Informatics Institute, METU, Ankara